Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Ecclestone: F1 doesn't need Concorde deal | F1 Fanatic round-up

Marco Tronchetti Provera, Bernie Ecclestone, Shanghai, 2012In the round-up: Bernie Ecclestone says the 2013 Concorde Agreement, which the FIA said would be settled 'within weeks' last October, does not need to be signed.


Your daily digest of F1 news, views, features and more.

'No need' for Concorde ' Ecclestone (ESPN)

'We don't need the Concorde Agreement signed. It doesn't matter to me whether we have got the Concorde Agreement or not.'

Warwick promises Silver lining (Sky)

'We have increased our parking facility, we have improved the camping facilities which let us down a bit last year and we have increased park-and-ride. So we are going to try and take a few more people off-site and bring them in by coaches and that will make a massive difference to the number of cars on-site.'

Emilio's perfect storm (FT, registration required)

'Some of [Santander head Emilio] Botin's success must stem from his sheer physical energy. A friend recalls seeing him at the Monza Formula One Grand Prix a couple of years ago, when Ferrari ' sponsored by Santander ' swept to victory with Spaniard Fernando Alonso at the wheel. 'Emilio had a little Ferrari flag and as soon as the car was over the finish line, he leapt out of his box waving it furiously and then sprinted along towards Alonso. He ran for 200m. He's incredible.''

Niki Lauda And The Brawn/Lowe Saga At Mercedes (Speed)

'Brawn made it clear that the Lowe saga, and the suggestions that Ross was on his way out, had created some instability. The fuss certainly confused Hamilton, who obviously saw Ross as one of the main reasons to join Mercedes. 'I think it's disappointing that it got into the media, because it can be disturbing for the team,' said Brawn. 'That's the disappointment. I want our guys focused completely on doing the best job they can for this coming season.''

Lewis Hamilton ' My First Day with Mercedes (YouTube)


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Comment of the day

I was spoiled for choice for a Caption Competition winner: The best part of 200 suggestions were posted before the round-up.

I especially enjoyed those from Ed Spencer, BenH, Prisoner Monkeys, James Brickles, Andae23, Hotbottoms, Anonymouse and Todfod.

However this winner is this one suggested by @PlutoniumHunter:

Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes, Brackley, 2013

The tyre degradation issues at Mercedes are worse than Lewis ever imagined.

From the forum

  • Video: Matt le Blanc 'interviews' Raikkonen on the E21

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to Shelley Lee and TNFOX!

If you want a birthday shout-out tell us when yours is by emailling me, using Twitter or adding to the list here.

On this day in F1

Rene Arnoux scored his first F1 victory in the 1980 Brazilian Grand Prix.

Images © Pirelli/LAT, Mercedes/Hoch Zwei

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